Friday, September 27, 2013

The Killing

The Killing this week further shows us Kubrick's development as a filmmaker. In what seems like a sort of revision of what his notions of film noir might have been, we see Kubrick playing a lot more with time here than in Killer's Kiss. The characters are also presented as slightly more complex than perhaps Davey and Gloria are in his previous film. Something I was really pleased by in The Killing was what felt like a first glimpse into Kubrick's grotesque sense of humor. I found the relationship and ultimate demise of George and Sherry to be the most comical. The bickering that the married couple engages in casts George as a sort of pathetic figure, working hard to please his wife but always coming up short. In the end, despite their added multi-dimensionality, one doesn't really sympathize or feel bad for any of the characters as they all reach their unfortunate ends.

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